Free Icons for Web Designers

Speaking of the web design. If you’re looking for a free vector art (mostly icons), you can look at this list of sources, which was put together by this guy:
Text is in Russian, but self descriptive and does require translation really.
Thanks to Sergey Vakulenko for the find!

HTML and CSS Editors

HTML Editor

Many people google HTML and CSS editors and get basically the same list of articles. If you’re tired of articles talking about obscure commercial product or Aptana or Notepad, you should look at this article:

Very informative and simple. The reason why I started looking around is that I don’t have Dreamweaver license anymore and not going to buy it and because I’m tired from Aptana. It’s ok to use for syntax checks and highlights, but I wanted something more visual. I don’t expect a miracle of discovering full WYSIWIG editor for free, but it’s be nice to find something that can do CSS and div’s editing visually. Your suggestions are welcome as usual. I guess, I’ll return to this subject eventually again.

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