Swift critique from Rust designer

In nutshell Rust is another evolution of C/C++ by Mozilla Foundation. Another attempt to create a cleaner and safer language with minimal performance overhead (POD and static types, move semantics, well defined object format, small runtime, efficient use of pointers and references etc). Along the line with D, Go, Swift and likes. I’m not at the position of covering all ins and outs of Rust, as I’ve not written a single line of code in it, but since I’ve started gradual migration toward Swift, I had to keep eye on its conceptual competitors (or relatives). While doing that, I found good article from Rust designer Graydon Hoare about where he compared Swift with Rust. Pretty interesting overview. You can find it here.

More on Rust:



Swift 3.0 changes

Erica Sadun wrote a good article on what’s coming up in Swift 3.0. Funny, how many people noticed that “++” and “–” operators are going to be cut. Honestly, it’s not important thing in the world of iterators and dynamic arrays. However, I don’t like the trend of calling indexes evil. People, do you understand what random access in arrays existed for!? How about matrixes and vector operations? Programming is not just about traversing sets and maps.
Another takeout from the Swift 3.0 is that most of improvements are in the department of code styling, syntax sugaring, interoperability API’s and future versions of Swift, meaning that language finally becomes stable. It’s a good thing, right? 🙂

Anyway, here’s the article.

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